Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This Whole Puzzle

Someone asked me recently if I believed in the notion of soulmates. Oddly enough, I didn't even have to think about it. My immediate response was "No." I went on to use a puzzle analogy, thinking maybe there are some people in this world that we are "meant" to love in some form. By "meant" I don't mean some overarching plan by God or Destiny or Fate or something along those lines; merely that when you meet that person, through some genetic memory or random act, you can't help but fall immediately and helplessly in love with them. My analogy took the form of "You're a puzzle piece. So that means there are several other pieces you connect with. The pieces on the edges and corners probably have fewer options, but nonetheless there is more than just one "supposed to be." Now that I've continued thinking about it, if we consider the whole global humanity as the puzzle, then there really aren't any corners or edges. So theoretically everyone has around the same amount of chances to find that kind of helpless love.

But going back to my earlier analogy. This phrase has recently bothered me. "Supposed to be" most often used in phrases like "if it's supposed to be it will be" or "supposed to be that way" or whatnot. But what does that really mean? Who is supposing that? I guess it's us (people). Or maybe not. Because "supposed to be" presupposes something that has some sort of control over things...Fate? Destiny? Now I personally hold to the belief, mistaken or otherwise, that Fate is a load of bullocks, and that anything that is "supposed to be" only comes around due to hard work on a side's part. Unless we truly are pawns in some superterrestrial equivalent of a chess game, then it is up to us to create "supposed to be." We have the final say in our lives. And I'd rather have a say in something that makes me happy in this life, rather than hope that if I screw up in the next 60 years (cross my fingers) I'll have a "redo."

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