Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Strangely enough....

It's a strange thing, very peculiar. I can't quite describe it...there are no words. It is everything and it is nothing. It is understanding and it is jealousy. It's everything I want to be with the things I can't stand.

But no matter. I have no hand in this. It seems fate has decreed that I join the ranks of those victims of its pranks. But is this a prank? Could this actually be truth? If it is a prank, it is the cruelest trick to play. Not that it hasn't been played before or will be played again, but it is cruel nonetheless.

It is the shining star light years away. It is the burning fire in the hearth before me, inside me. Is there naught to be done for this...affliction, if affliction it is? Or is this rather a cure with the worst kinds of side effects? I do not know. This is something new, and yet it is ancient beyond memory. I have known this before, yet it is still alien. I have learned and understood this, but it has transformed into an entirely new mystery. I could never win at Clue, so how can I plan to figure out this challenge?

There is the greatest distance between us, and yet we are only separated by a few feet. We have gapped this distance before, and likely will again. In the meanwhile, am I to suffer needlessly, constantly stressing over the little comment that could mean anything? I guess so. That is the way of this mystery. First, the mystery itself is discovered. Then the fretting over who could possibly be the culprit. I have already solved that one. That was the easy part. The next part is usually the easiest part...capturing the culprit. For me....this is no little task. I have no Scooby-Dooesque plan that could randomly catch the bad guy. I have no SWAT team standing by to blow the doors in and arrest everyone and holding the real evil guy. No, I only have me. Just me, the way I am, what I've done, and what I believe.

Is this a strong enough rope? Is it enough?

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