Saturday, July 5, 2008

Imagine...or Don't

It has recently plagued my subconcious mind that we have lost something, that we as adults, people, humans, etc. have lost some invaluable piece of ourselves. Once we were the all-powerful all-knowing gods of our domains, never mind the fact that those domains were crafted of sandy mortar and plastic molds. Once we were fearsome air pirates, haunting and hunting the skies for any prey that came to us. Once we were saviors, protecting princesses (or princes?) from a ghastly fate. Once we were young.
It seems to my mind and my eye that we have lost, the majority of us, our ability to imagine, to dream. What happened? As we've grown, have we become more important? More responsible? Or have we become less innocent? Less naive? Has the pain of reality erased the power to find happiness in a new world of the mind's own creation? Or are those who remember that power merely eccentric, or worse, crazy?
It seems that once the world was at our fingertips. We could do anything, BE anything, merely by turning our thoughts in that direction. We did not need expensive electronics and flashing screens to show us something beyond ourselves. We merely had to...adjust our eyes, adjust our thinking. When did we lose this ability?
The world is a dark and terrible place. But it can also be a heaven, if only more people could pierce the shroud of existence and REALLY live. People must learn to recapture the innocence of their childhood, to learn from the children we "try" to teach. We must relearn from them innocence and acceptance, the innocence to seek out the new and the ability to accept the different, the otherworldly, the extraordinary, and the purely unbelievable.
We must to seek out the new with the courage of one who has never been hurt and to grasp beyond reality like one who has never been burned. We must become again like children to realize that there are worlds beyond that which is presented to our fives senses. We must learn to adjust ourselves, our sense and our thinking, to realize that Life truly is what you make of it.